Wednesday, October 16, 2013


With the extra-curricular activities in full swing, I have a few hours a week just sitting. This is the best time for me to do reading and knitting. For reading, I've been slowly working my way through a David Foster Wallace book on the history of infinity.

For knitting, I've finished one pair of socks
I used yarn that Stacey dyed. She sells it at her Etsy shop- Brazen Stitchery. This was a skein that blew across her yard when it was drying. I told her I would happily untabgle it for her, and she gave it to me. I think she calls it Birthday Girl, but I call it birthday cake because the colors remind me of how desperately I wanted those terrible candy things they sold at the grocery store that were exactly these colors.

The other pair of socks are for Ezra and I am knitting them on size 1 needles- that means lots more stitches in a pair of socks. I am almost through with the first sock.
This yarn is also from Stacey's shop, and I actually paid for it. She calls it yellow submarine. She had a really yellow one that I liked even more, but it was on lace weight. I love this yarn; the colors are awesome, and the yarn is REALLY nice to work with. It does have a little nylon in it. This goes against my purist tendencies, but it sure is turning into a nice pair of socks.

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